Barbarisi & Associati


Administration and monitoring systems

Boards of Statutory Auditors and Independent Directors

We support companies in defining an appropriate structure for the board of directors or the management board with regard to its composition and methods of operation (powers of attorney, remuneration, distribution of powers).
We assist clients in the selection of directors, assessing individual skills and the independence required for some of them. We are available to join - in our Professional capacity - the Board of Directors in order to provide qualified and independent support.
We participate in the company's governing bodies as auditors.
We assist the company in its supervisory activities and, more specifically, in its relationship with the board of statutory auditors, the statutory auditors and the executive committee, contributing to the development of informative reports and the exchange of information through joint meetings for better organization.
We supervise the assessment of the organizational, administrative and accounting structure for which the administrative body is in charge, in order to allow actions to be taken with corrective measures, where required.